Our Green Objectives

Our Green Objectives

Reduce GHG (GreenHouse Gases)

We are committed to becoming a circular festival and net zero scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions by 2026. We will achieve this by reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, utilising creative new ways to power the event, diverting all waste from landfill, and measuring all of our scope III emissions.

Protect the Biodiversity and Biosecurity within the South Downs National Park (SDNP)

Developing the SDNP Park Protection Plan, to guide on ways to avoid negative impacts within the national park. Continual ecology monitoring, utilising alternative frequency and filters to protect sensitive receptors, and investing in rewilding projects around the SDNP.

Create a Circular Waste Economy

Introducing new methods for closed loop site design and build, with enhanced recycling facilities, separation and source, and reducing waste.

Ensure enhanced Accessibility and Equal Opportunities

Continuing to develop the facilities available to members of staff and public with additional accessibility requirements, to ensure they have access to the same opportunities as all at the festival. 

Maximise Health and Wellbeing

Creating engaging and supportive crew activities which enhance wellbeing, providing healthy catering options and extensive welfare resources to support mental health. 

Water Management and Preservation

Embracing water efficient facilities, re-using where possible, and reducing dependence on fresh water supplies for non-essential purposes. Increasing mains infrastructure to reduce water wastage.

Sustainable Products and Procurement

Implementing a sustainable Procurement Policy to enable all contractors, area managers, and artists to understand permitted and banned items, based on their environmental impact .

Improve Community Engagement

Build on the relationships with local communities, creative charities and schools. Work with local businesses and traders from the surrounding areas to provide additional activities to staff and crew.

Promote Sustainable Transport

Reduce individual vehicle movements to and from the site, by promoting increased use of public transport for both staff and attendees, encouraging lift share and shuttle buses. 

Improved Air Quality

Reducing the use of diesel burning generators, replacing fuel sources with cleaner alternatives, work on new enhanced dust suppression techniques and products.