Green Mission

Green Mission

We are committed to becoming a Circular Festival and Net Zero Scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions by 2026. 

What does this mean? Well, we are working towards transforming Boomtown into a sustainable city that is run entirely on renewable energy, a circular economy city where organisers and citizens reject a throwaway society, where we leave minimal impact on the local environment, a city where the food we eat is good for the people and the planet and everyone is inspired to take immediate positive action.

We’re aware of our environmental impact and understand that festivals can be carbon and waste intensive, but they can also provide the best testing ground for collaboration, creativity and innovation, with many exciting opportunities to reduce our impact. 

Therefore, in 2019, we signed the green deal circular festival (GDCF) pledge to become a circular festival by 2026, alongside many other festivals to work together with and get support from the circular festival community.

    Our Pledge To You

    In order to provide an environment that makes it easier to be sustainable Boomtown commits to do the following:

    • Avoid the use of Fossil Fuels and use more Sustainable alternatives, including the use of Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil in all Generators, which trialing the use of batteries, solar and hydrogen.
    • Provide extensive recycling facilities, so that items can be separated at source, allowing us to put them to their best onward use. This includes an on-site recycling separation plant!
    • Enlist a salvaging company to help process old  materials to send onto onward use. 
    • Increase the volunteer recruitment of our Eco Warriorz, putting more teams into the campsites to help combat campsite waste. Assigning each segment of campsite with their own team.
    • Monitor data for production transport, audience and artist travel, power use, waste disposal and other impact areas to establish our impact on the plant, and more importantly, find target areas for improvement.
    • Provide a shuttle bus system for teams needed to get to site and back in order to reduce traffic and not impact build schedules.

    Your Pledge To Boomtown

    In order to provide an environment that makes it easier to be sustainable you must commit to support us with the following:

    • Travel with friends or on Public Transport to reduce the emissions omitted by travelling
    • Don’t waste water. Report leaking taps to staff in hi-vis. Don’t leave taps running to cool the water down. 
    • Be aware of Boomtowns recycling services across site: recycling, compostables and general waste
    • Don’t litter!
    • Take all of your belongings home with you, and receive £20 in Eco Bond in return