
Charity and activism are pivotal elements to much of what we do at Boomtown. We are highly motivated in these areas and believe that by working together, we can achieve big things.  As a team, at Boomtown we will always use our position as one of the UKs largest independent music festivals, to promote and encourage positive change in many areas, but with particular focus on respect - respect for people and the planet.. After all, without it, what do we have? And who are we?

We have ongoing partnerships with some amazing charities that are aligned in harmony with our ethos, and do amazing work in their unique spaces from TreeSisters to local partners like Trinity Winchester. Raising awareness through our valued charity partnerships is key to how we collaboratively work towards a better world. Each year we raise in the region of £150k across all our beneficiaries.

Please take a peek through our charity partner pages to understand more about their amazing work and how they are working with Boomtown this year. We will keep these pages updated throughout the year with exciting news and updates on their campaigns so please keep checking back here.

You can donate to our charity partners here.


In 2019 we partnered with TreeSisters to plant 71,725 trees together around the world from Madagascar to Nepal… contributing to one of the most powerful solutions for climate change. Here's what they had to say about the impact of the project:

"Last year Boomtown's leadership in donating 1 tree for every ticket funded the planting of 71,725 trees! Imagine 7 international rugby pitches and that's the size of the Boomtown Forest! Those trees are spread across 10 tropical regions of the planet where trees grow faster and sequester up to 9 times more carbon than temperate trees. From Brazil to West Papua, these trees not only restore precious ecosystems but also change the lives of local people and provide much-needed habitat for some of the most endangered species in the world.

Boomtown tickets planted 16,200 mangrove trees in Mozambique, 16,200 in Madagascar and 11,200 in West Papua, all vital in restoring coastal regions, replenishing fish stocks and providing sustainable employment for local people. 16,200 trees were planted in the dry deciduous forests of Madagascar, home to multiple species of critically endangered Lemurs. 8,400 trees were planted in community forests in Nepal which provide a vital buffer zone to protect remaining intact forest landscapes, home to elephants, sloths and rhinos. 4,200 trees were planted in Cameroon, home to the last 250 Cross River Gorillas and 1,600 planted in Brazil where reforestation is protecting endangered jaguars and pumas. In Amazonia, 1,000 trees were planted in a food forest project supporting the Ashaninka tribe, 1,200 were planted in Southern India where restoration is restoring agricultural land and protecting local people from famine, and 1,525 were planted on Mount Kenya to restore Kenya's primary water tower.

Every tree planted matters! Each project that Boomtown supports through TreeSisters not only plants trees but saves the lives of people and animals and perhaps most importantly, helps us make the vital consciousness shift from being consumers to becoming restorers. Thank you Boomtown!"

You can donate to our charity partners here.

This year we’re aiming high and we’re hoping to plant 1 MILLION trees 

If everyone in our amazing Boomtown community, including; citizens, artists, crew and contractors were to pull together, we're pretty sure that together we can make a real, positive and significant change. 

Each tree costs 40p to plant… If every person donated just £6 which equated to 15 trees we would be well on our way to the 1 million tree target!

Massive thank you to those who have already donated via our £2 ticket donation at the point of ticket purchase already, for just £4 more you can take a massive step in helping us all reach this highly achievable goal!

Find out more about how you can get involved here.

You can donate to our charity partners here.

South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA)

The South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) is a wonderful organisation responsible for the protection and management of the South Downs National Park. Their work involves conserving and enhancing the park's natural beauty, wildlife, and cultural heritage. The SDNPA promotes sustainable land use, manages access and recreation, and works with local communities to foster understanding and enjoyment of the park. They also play a crucial role in planning and sustainable development within the national park, ensuring its long-term preservation for generations to come.

Learn more about the South Downs, and particularly the special characteristics of the area of land Boomtown takes place upon. 

We urge you to take care of this precious natural resource, and make sure the only footprints you leave are on the dancefloor. #LeaveNoTrace #ChooseRespect