Terms & Conditions

Boomtown Terms and Conditions

  18. ECO BOND


1.1 These Terms and conditions (“T&Cs”) incorporate, and should be read together with our agent’s terms or regulations, which you can obtain from the point of purchase from the official ticket agent (KABOODLE) or Universe. Your possession of this ticket constitutes your acceptance of these T&Cs.

1.2 "Boomtown Festival”, “Us”, “We”, “Our” means Boomtown UK Limited and/or its representatives, employees and subcontractors.

1.3 We reserve the right to implement restrictions/conditions before and during the Event to ensure it is safe. You must comply with any and all reasonable instructions given to you by Event staff and stewards and you may be refused admission or evicted without a refund if you fail to comply.

1.4 We reserve the right to refuse admission or to remove any person from the site, without refund, for reasons of public safety (including for crowd surfing or moshing, or failure to comply with any measures put in place to combat the spread of Covid-19), any unacceptable behaviour likely to cause damage, nuisance or injury, or for any breach of these T&Cs.

1.5 You must not enter the site if you believe that you may have been infected with Covid-19 and/or you are displaying symptoms of Covid-19. 

1.6 Tickets are for the Event and any billed Artists and attractions may be subject to change.

    1.7  No trading or promotional activity is allowed within the site without Our prior written consent. Any unauthorised traders will have their goods confiscated (including any goods with the unauthorised use of the Boomtown logos) and not returned and may face eviction from the Event.

    1.8 By entering the site, you give your express consent to your actual/simulated likeness to be included for no fee within any audio or visual recording to be used in any media for any purpose at any time, including CCTV, filming for crime management or security purposes  and/or for marketing.

    1.9 No unauthorised buses, coaches or vehicles of any kind will be allowed on site.

    1.10 Mobility scooters must be declared in advance to the access team. You will be asked to sign a condition of use disclaimer outlining what is expected as safe use of mobility scooters one a busy festival site.

    1.11 Warning: exposure to loud and excessive music may be damaging to your hearing.

    1.12 Pyrotechnics, lasers, smoke machines, strobe lighting and special effects may take place during some performances.

    1.13 Parents are reminded that some areas of the festival, including immediately in front of the stages, are inappropriate for children.

    1.14 These T&Cs are subject to change from time to time in our sole discretion and We will notify you by posting the amended T&CS to the Event website.  Please check the FAQs section regularly for changes and to ensure you have up to date information as you are bound by these terms and conditions. If you purchase a ticket after any amendment to these Terms, you agree to be bound by the updated version of these Terms.

    1.15 We shall have no liability for any loss, injury, illness or damage to any person or property sustained at the Event howsoever caused (including by Us and Our agents) in any circumstances unless caused as a direct result of Our negligence and that which cannot by law be excluded or limited. Any personal property brought to the Event is at your own risk. 

    1.16 Boomtown accepts no responsibility for goods or services purchased from third party traders.

    1.17 The marks, Boomtown and the Boomtown logo, are registered United Kingdom and European Community trademarks and may not be used without the express written permission of Boomtown Festival UK Ltd.

    1.18 These T&Cs are governed by English Law and any dispute arising out of or in connection with these T&Cs shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

    2. Refunds

    2.1 Refunds are only considered if the Event is (i) cancelled in full and not rescheduled (if the Event is partially cancelled your refund will be a proportionate partial refund) or (ii) materially altered which is a change (other than a rescheduling) which, in Our opinion, makes the Event materially different to the Event that ticket purchasers, taken generally, could reasonably expect. The following are not deemed to be ‘material alterations’: changes to the Event line-up; adverse weather conditions; changes to individual artists, bands or band members; curtailment of the Event where the majority of the Event is performed; and delays to starting a performance or the Event or (iii) by special exception determined by Boomtown Festival in its sole discretion. Any refund requests must be made by the original purchaser of the ticket.

    2.2 Refunds of any booking fees per ticket or per order fees are subject to the terms and conditions of the point of sale. 

    2.3 Refunds must be requested from the point of purchase, no later than three months after the Event.

    2.4 Personal arrangements relating to the Event including, but not limited to, travel, subsistence and accommodation are at your own risk and We shall not be liable for any losses incurred from personal arrangements or wasted expenditure beyond the ticket refund.

    2.5 Cancellation or Postponement as a result of Covid 19. If the festival is cancelled or postponed before it has started due to the Covid 19 pandemic then you will be eligible for a refund in line with clause 2.1 above.  In the event of postponement of the festival before it has started, and where it  is rescheduled to another date, the ticket holder may elect to either use the existing ticket for the rescheduled date or apply for a refund. Refunds under these circumstances must be applied for within 3 months of the date of cancellation/postponement via our ticket provider, Kaboodle. Any refund requests must be made by the original purchaser of the ticket.

    2.6 In light of the COVID 19 pandemic, you understand that there may be particular risks associated with attending any outdoor gathering (including the Event).  We will take reasonable steps to comply with any relevant guidelines intended to reduce the spread of COVID 19 and we will make you aware of these measures. However, we cannot be held responsible for the behaviour or health of other Event attendees and cannot effectively ensure that no attendees at the Event will have COVID-19. Accordingly, we will not be responsible if you catch COVID-19 at the Event or for any illness or death of any Event 
    attendees caused by COVID 19 or any other illness.

    2.7 You understand and accept that you will be attending the Event and using any facilities on-site at your own risk.

    2.8 To help us to reduce the spread of COVID 19, we ask that you:
    a) follow all guidelines and/or entry requirements notified by us to you and which will
    apply to your attendance at the Festival. This may include testing on entry or prior to
    attending the Festival. We may be required to amend our guidelines before or during
    the Festival and ask that you comply with any updated guidelines notified to you;
    b) follow all government guidelines (which may be updated from time to time).

    2.9 You understand that we have the right, at our complete discretion, to:
    a) refuse entry to any attendee who we reasonably believe may not have followed Government guidelines or our guidelines or entry requirements;
    b) require that any attendee leaves the Festival where we reasonably believe that they
    may not be complying with these terms or any of our or Government guidelines in
    force in relation to COVID-19.

    2.10 We reserve the right to make alterations to the time, date, duration and venue of the festival in the event of unforeseen or other circumstances, including (but without limitation) Force Majeure, safety and security concerns or decisions from authorised persons or other competent authority.


    3.1 It is prohibited to resell tickets for the Event, except where resold using the official resale platform of Kaboodle, in accordance with Kaboodle’s resale terms and conditions. Adding your ticket to the resale allows other customers to buy your ticket securely. Once resold, the original ticket is cancelled, you are notified and refunded the full ticket cost minus the booking fee, delivery and Ticket Plan (if purchased). Ticket resales will only become active once the event is sold out.

    3.2 Tickets purchased through Universe are subject to Universe ticket terms and conditions. Ticket transfers can be made up until 3 days prior to the event.

    3.3 Tickets purchased from unauthorised sources may be rendered invalid and admission refused. Only wristbands issued by the Event in exchange for a valid ticket are valid for entry. The ticket holder is responsible for their tickets until it is exchanged for a wristband and then responsible for their wristband for the duration of the event

    3.4 Tickets must be exchanged for a wristband on first entry at a wristband exchange. No re-admission on tickets. Wristbands are strictly non-transferable and will be invalid if removed, tampered with, transferred or resold. Wristbands must be worn at all times for the duration of the Event.

    3.5 Tickets for this Event have a unique barcode which will be scanned on entry and if found to be duplicated, either in error or for fraudulent gain, only the first instance of the ticket scanned will be admitted regardless of original ownership. Customers may be prosecuted if found to have deliberately duplicated and resold tickets for fraudulent gain.

    3.6 The name on your ticket must match your ID. After initial purchase, the ticket name can only be updated by contacting Kaboodle Customer Services and paying an amendment fee. The ticket holder name may be updated a maximum of two times. If you purchase a ticket from a friend, you must ensure that they update the name on the ticket. Tickets without a genuine name will not be allowed entry

    3.7 If you have obtained your ticket in breach of these T&Cs and/or if you breach any of these T&Cs then your ticket/wristband shall be void, and all rights conferred on you or evidenced by such ticket/wristband, shall be void. If you seek to gain entry to the Event using a void ticket or wristband then we reserve the right to refuse you entry or evict you from the Event and you may be liable to legal action for trespass. Void tickets/wristbands are non-refundable

    3.8 Tickets/Wristbands cannot be used as part of any marketing, media or sales promotion, without the prior written consent of Boomtown Festival.

    3.9 Boomtown Festival will not issue duplicates for lost or stolen tickets or wristbands. Tickets & wristbands remain the property of Boomtown Festival  until the Event closes


    4.1 A standard  ‘Citizenship Entry ticket’ is only valid from Thursday 10th August - Sunday 13th.

    4.2 A ‘Citizenship Entry ticket’ plus Wednesday upgrade’ is valid from Wednesday 9th August - Sunday 13th.

    4.3 ‘Wednesday upgrade’ tickets are only valid with a standard ‘Citizenship Entry ticket’.

    4.4 A ‘Wednesday upgrade’ ticket will change your existing ‘Citizenship Entry ticket’ to a ‘Citizenship Entry + Wednesday Upgrade ticket’, combining these into 1 e-ticket with 1 bar code. If you buy a Wednesday upgrade ticket in June 2023 onwards after your standard Festival Entry e-ticket has been sent to you, you will receive an email stating your original Citizenship Entry e-ticket barcode is no longer valid and will be replaced with a Citizenship Entry + Wednesday Upgrade e-ticket barcode.

    4.5 Wednesday is a set up day only with minimal entertainment scheduled. Only some parts of the festival site will be open to the public. Music programming starts on Thursday with all of the main stages opening from Friday.

    4.6 ‘Green Transport Citizen Entry’ ticket holders are eligible for Wednesday Entry if they have purchased a Coach, Shuttle Bus or Cycle travel ticket for Wednesday travel.


    5.1 Personal Assistant (PA) tickets must be agreed in advance on receipt of relevant proof of eligibility, the PA will receive an e-ticket in their name and must provide valid ID on entry.

    5.2 PA tickets are valid from Wednesday 9th August - Sunday 13th.

    5.3 Personal Assistants must be over 18 to accompany an adult ticket holder OR children or teens acting as carers must also be accompanied by a responsible adult other than the adult they are directly caring for.

    5.4 One Adult Festival Entry ticket must be purchased before a PA ticket can be added to the order. 

    5.5 If paying by instalments, the PA ticket will only be issued once the full price of the festival entry ticket has been paid.

    5.6 Applications for PA tickets close on 20th June 2023.


    6.1 Payment plans allow you to spread the cost of your ticket purchase over monthly instalments, including any booking fees, delivery charges and Ticket Plan. Payment Plans are operated by Kaboodle and you will have the option to choose this method at the point of purchase. All instalments must be paid in full  in order to secure the items you've booked.

    6.2 If you fail to make the payments in accordance with Kaboodle’s terms and conditions of your payment plan then your ticket may be cancelled and you will not be eligible for a refund. This includes all added extras, accommodation and travel tickets.

    6.3 This agreement is not cancellable by you and all payments made by you are non-refundable except in the case of event cancellation, unless payments have not been kept up to date in line with clause 6.2 above.


    7.1 Boomtown will be using a Cash Free payment system at 2023’s festival.

    7.2 The Cash Free system forms the sole means by which payment can be made during the event. No cash or cards will be accepted at points of sale.

    7.3 You will be issued with a wristband containing an RFID chip.

    7.4 That wristband will be used to purchase goods and services at all points of sale. No cash or cards will be accepted on site except at the designated top up stations.

    7.5 You are encouraged to set up a Virtual Account online and to top-up with credit in advance, as well as being able to add credit to your wristband during the festival.

    7.6 You will be able to set up a Virtual Account once the tickets have been released in June.

    7.7 The benefit of setting up a Virtual Account is that if you lose or damage your wristband during the event, the last known credit balance can be retrieved.

    7.8 You can receive any unspent credit by initiating a refund online after the festival.

    7.9 The use of the Cash Free system is entirely free to festival participants. You will not be charged to add credit to your wristband or to receive a refund of any credit balance.

    7.10 By purchasing your festival ticket, you agree to comply with the use of the Cash Free payment system.


    8.1 Boomtown Festival does not accept any liability for personal or property damages, losses (including surrendered items) or injuries sustained at this event - other than caused as a result of our negligence. Attendance at this Event is at your own risk.

    8.2 We may prosecute you if you cause damage to the site, the site infrastructure, or cause harm to any other person at the Event and/or site


    9.1 Boomtown runs a rigorous search operation at the gates, and you should expect to be searched on entry. This may include clothing/bag searches at the gates, onsite or when leaving. Please note that intimate body searches can only be carried out by the police.

    9.2 Search dog units will be searching on gates  at ALL TIMES.

    9.3 Boomtown has a No Drugs Policy regarding the possession, use or sale of illegal drugs. This includes Nitrous Oxide and all other products banned under the New Psychoactive Substances Act 2016.

    9.4 CBD -  In order for the security staff at the gates to determine whether a bottle of oil is CBD, and therefore legal, we require for the bottle to be sealed (and never to have been previously opened), and a commercially labelled product that clearly displays the CBD and THC content information. At the entry gates, if the product has been previously opened, fails to display the content information, or is suspected by the search staff of being any substance other than CBD, security staff may treat it as a contraband item, and confiscate it. Within the festival site, security will be looking at the content information to determine legality.

    9.5 Our policy on CBD reflects the current national approach, however, it is important to note that Government departments are currently reviewing these products, and if there is any change in the regulations, Boomtown's position will by necessity change accordingly. Any such changes will be communicated via our Ts & Cs and on our website, so if you plan to bring CBD to the festival, you are advised to check our website prior to the event for any updates. 

    9.6 Prescribed medication should be declared before entering the search and entry points. Medicine should be in its original packaging and the ticket holder must bring a copy of their prescription in their own name.

    9.7 Boomtown has a zero tolerance policy regarding spray cans and marker pens. 

    9.8 Additional prohibited items include: knives (including locking knives); sound systems; glass bottles (EXCLUDING make-up and perfume); fireworks; explosives; BBQs; smoke and gas canisters; air horns; flares; weapons or potential weapons; laser devices; unofficial drones and UAVs; sky lanterns; paraffin lamps, candles, generators, chemical toilets (except where fixed within live in vehicles), unofficial hi-visibility clothing/tabards, open bottles of any kind of liquid that can be consumed, e-scooters.

    9.9 No animals, other than assistance dogs, are permitted on site. Assistance dogs must be declared in advance to the access team who, once approved, will provide an authorisation letter to be shown on the search and entry points.

    9.10 This list is not exhaustive, Boomtown reserves the right to confiscate any potentially harmful items or substances at our discretion. Please be aware that work tools, ladders, 2-way radios etc can be deemed a potential security breach and Boomtown reserves the right to confiscate such items on entry to the car parks or festival gates. Please check your vehicle before packing and remove any items that can present a safety or security risk.  

    9.11 At the search and entry point, ticket holders will be given the opportunity to give up (AMNESTY) prohibited items in their possession prior to search. Once passed the Amnesty area, any person found in possession of prohibited items may be refused entry or evicted, and will have the item confiscated, and not returned. 

    9.12 In accordance with Smoke Free Regulations, the tented arenas and other areas of the festival are designated No Smoking areas (this includes e-cigarettes). Failure to comply with these regulations and event signage may result in ejection.

    9.13 E-cigarettes are allowed. E-cigarette liquid is only allowed if it is sealed and easily identifiable. If it can’t be identified or the seal is broken, it will be confiscated.

    9.14 There is a limit to the amount of alcohol you can bring on site. You may bring up to:
    A) 16 x 440ml cans of lager/cider/beer OR
    B) 18 x 250ml cans of premixed spirit drinks OR
    C) 3-litre box of wine OR 
    D) 7 litres of cider/lager/beer in plastic bottles or cans

    Plastic or glass bottles of spirits are not allowed.

    You may bring this with you on first time entry to the festival only. There is NO RE-ENTRY with alcohol. The licence states that no glass is to be brought onto site for safety reasons. No opened bottles can be brought on to site – you can bring sealed plastic bottles of water or soft drinks. Any opened bottles will be confiscated on entry to the festival.

    9.15 If you are arriving in a live-in vehicle, please be aware that we will not allow in any sort of unsealed container of liquid.

    9.16 Camping stoves using small, disposable gas canisters are permitted. Please only bring enough gas canisters for your needs over the weekend. Excessive quantities may be confiscated. In the event of very hot weather / dry ground conditions we reserve the right to prohibit the use of camping stoves for safety reasons.

    9.17 Signs or materials displaying discriminatory, derogatory or offensive messages, slogans or images  are not permitted.

    10. AGE POLICY

    10.1 Challenge 25 operates on all gates as well as all bars. If you have purchased an adult ticket and are fortunate enough to look under the age of 25, you will be required to provide ID that proves your age. If you cannot provide ID that is valid and in date, you will be refused entry into the festival site.

    10.2 Accepted ID includes: photographic driving license, proof of age card with PASS hologram or a passport. Photocopies will not be accepted.

    10.3 Teens are the responsibility of their appointed adult at all times whilst at the festival. Whilst we do not expect older children and teenagers to be with their parent or guardian at all times, we do expect them to camp together, and for the child/teenager to know the location of their adult, and have means of contacting them, or agreed meeting points. Well-behaved children/teenagers are most welcome at Boomtown, however, we will take action to return teenagers who are considered to be intoxicated, displaying antisocial behaviour or felt to be vulnerable, to their adults, who will be informed that failure to monitor the behaviour and activities of their teens will result in both their and their teen’s eviction from site. 

    10.4 Unaccompanied teens (aged 13-17) will be refused entry at the gates. Accompanying adults must be 30 years old or over, must have completed the online booking form and have bought the teen ticket in advance. Teens must be accompanied by an adult on each occasion they enter and leave the festival. 

    10.5 Any unaccompanied child (aged 12 years and under) who is not able to locate or contact their adult will be treated as a found child and accompanied to welfare.

    10.6 Any unaccompanied teen found on site who is unable to identify or locate an appointed adult over the age of 30 years onsite will be removed to the youth services tent in the Eviction Compound, where collection from site will be arranged. 

    10.7 A parent/guardian aged 30 or over can accompany a maximum of 2 teens.

    10.8 Only persons aged 18 or over on their first day of attending Boomtown Festival (Wednesday 9th or Thursday 10th August 2023) may enter the festival using an Adult ticket. Any person under the age of 18 who has purchased an Adult ticket rather than a Teen ticket will be refused entry into the festival and will not be entitled to a refund.  So please ensure the correct ticket is purchased for your age at the time you will be attending the festival.

    10.9 Only persons aged 13-17 on their first day of attending Boomtown Festival (Wednesday 9th or Thursday 10th August 2023) may enter the festival using a Teen ticket. Any person aged 18 or over who has purchased a Teen ticket rather than an Adult ticket will be refused entry into the festival.

    10.10 ID checks will be carried out at the entry gates for anyone who looks under 18 years old.

    10.11 Child ticket holders can only enter the festival with the parent/guardian who purchased their tickets, who is then responsible for them throughout the event. Each parent/guardian may accompany 3 children. 

    10.12 Some venues and performances may contain adult content, and access to children or under 18s will be restricted. Full details of which venues this applies to will be detailed on the website nearer the show.


    In booking a Green Transport Citizen Entry Ticket package, you agree to the following:

    11.1 You must not book a coach, shuttle or cycle package unless you are certain you will be able to travel by the means you have selected.

    11.2 Travel on your chosen coach, shuttle bus or cycle package is mandatory in order to receive your festival wristband.

    11.3 Under no circumstances can a Green Transport Citizen Entry Ticket be exchanged for a standard admission ticket, or other ticket types.

    11.4 You must present your Travel Ticket AND your Green Transport Citizen Entry Ticket in order to be validated to receive your festival wristband on arrival at Boomtown.

    11.5 You must present a photo ID in order to board the coach.

    11.6 Shuttle Bus customers must provide proof of rail or bus travel or local residence  to Winchester Station to receive their shuttle bus ticket. 


    12.1 Each person in the campervan must have a Festival Entry Ticket.

    12.2 Drivers of towing vehicles will only be allowed entry with a valid  Citizenship Entry Ticket.

    12.3 You must be able to fit all vehicles, towing vehicles, towbars and living space within a 7m x 5m pitch. If you require a larger space than this, you may purchase two spaces.

    12.4 Once your vehicle is in place, it must remain static. Anyone found moving a vehicle may be evicted from site.

    12.5 No tents may be erected in the Campervan Field for fire safety reasons. There is a specific distance required between vehicles for fire safety, therefore, small awnings will be allowed provided there is sufficient space between the awning and the neighbouring pitch. Awnings pitched within fire lanes are strictly forbidden and you run the risk of it being removed if you fail to comply with directions to relocate it.  

    12.6 Stewards will park you in position, please follow their direction and keep fire lanes clear.

    12.7 No trading is permitted from caravans or camper vans and may risk eviction from the Event.

    12.8 No sound systems are to be operated in the Campervan Field. Anyone found operating such systems may be evicted.

    12.9 Compost toilets are provided in the Campervan Fields and we recommend that attendees use these toilets rather than their own chemical toilets. If you are using your own chemical toilet, please dispose of the chemical waste in the  specific facilities provided and it must not be poured into the compost toilets. It is illegal to pour this waste onto the ground, into a sump or stream and anyone found doing this will be evicted from site and face a fine from the Environment Agency.

    12.10 Whilst every effort will be made to accommodate campervans/caravans in your preferred site, Boomtown reserves the right to provide alternative facilities in the event of adverse conditions.

    12.11 All litter must be cleared from your pitch and put into bins provided or taken home with you.

    12.12 Towing vehicles must fit within your pitch. You cannot park your car elsewhere.

    12.13 Cars are not deemed as live-in vehicles. Only converted live-in vans, campervans, caravans or trailer tents are classed as live-in vehicles.

    12.14 There is no electrical hook up provided and generators are not permitted on site.

    12.15 Security staff patrol the Campervan Field and there is a campsite hub should you have any concerns or questions. Security reserves the right to evict persons from the Campervan Field if they do not adhere to the terms and conditions.

    12.16 Smaller refillable gas bottles are permitted where these comply with applicable gas safety regulations and fire safety. We will provide more details with regard to bringing gas bottles into the festival campsites when your tickets are sent out. Please ensure you read these details carefully prior to attending the festival site. Small travel camping gas stoves (handheld disposable cylinder type) are usually permitted, however we reserve the right to also prohibit these if dry site ground conditions  make this necessary, where there is a safety or fire risk.

    12.17 To book a pitch in the Family Campervan area you must also purchase a child festival entry ticket. This area is reserved for families with children only. If you do not have children with you then you will not be allowed to camp here.

    12.18 Campervan pitches in The Meadow accessible campsite must be agreed in advance with the access team. If agreed, your campervan pass will be swapped to an Accessible Campervan pass.

    12.19 All vehicles must vacate the festival site on Monday 14th August 2023. Any vehicles left onsite after this time may be removed and scrapped. All reasonable efforts will be made by Boomtown to locate the owner and remove the vehicle before this takes place.


    13.1. Car Parking tickets can be purchased in advance until 1st August 2023.

    13.2. Car Parking tickets will be logged on an Automatic Number Plate Recognition system to verify which vehicles have paid in advance for car parking.

    13.3. If you have bought a car park ticket you must complete the form sent to you by Kaboodle to confirm the Vehicle Registration Number (VRN) of the vehicle you will be driving to site as soon as possible, but no later than 6th August 2023.  

    13.4. Failure to provide your VRN in advance and print or download your car parking ticket as proof of purchase may incur charges at the gate for a new pass and the cost of the original pass is non-refundable. 

    13.5. Vehicles are parked entirely at the owner's risk. Boomtown Festival will not be held liable for any loss or damage howsoever caused.

    13.6. Unless you have bought a car park pass for a specific area (such as Camp Skylark, Family camping) all car parking is not pre-designated and will be allocated on arrival at our discretion. 

    13.7. Blue badge holders must purchase a car park ticket. Display your blue badge clearly in your windscreen to be directed to the blue badge parking areas.

    13.8. Where you have bought a car park ticket for a specific area, we endeavour to make every effort to accommodate this however we reserve the right to vary your parking location due to ground conditions, safety or operational reasons.

    13.9. Any vehicle left on site after the festival has ended on Monday 14th August 2023 may be removed and scrapped. All reasonable efforts will be made by Boomtown to locate the owner and remove the vehicle before this takes place.

    13.10. To purchase a family car parking pass you must have also purchased a child festival entry ticket.


    14.1. Anyone wishing to drop off a group in a vehicle of 18 seats or over must book a private hire coach slot in our designated coach park using the link provided on our travel page. 

    14.2. Each booking covers both arrival and departure to Boomtown for ONE vehicle only. The 30 minute departure slot must be adhered to as space is strictly limited. Any coach arriving outside its slot cannot be guaranteed access. If you are making arrangements for multiple vehicles you must make a separate booking for each one.

    14.3. Peak arrival times are listed on our travel page. We advise trying to avoid peak times as you may have to wait to alight from your vehicle until space is available.

    14.4. Strictly no drop off or collection on the public roads or outside of the designated drop off area is permitted. Follow the directions given by traffic marshalls and the police.

    14.5. There are no facilities for coaches to wait or take breaks on site. Any driver needing to take a statutory break must do so away from the site. 

    14.6. Bookings are non refundable and non transferable except where in line with clause 1.5. You may be eligible for a refund if the event is cancelled.

    14.7. The Private Hire Coach booking system is only available for coaches hired by private individuals and not for commercially operated services. Only commercial services run by our nominated transport partners are permitted.

    14.8. Boomtown cannot be held liable for any costs incurred with the coach company booked by the hirer.

    14.9. You will be sent a routing pass for your private hire coach booking. Please print this out and ensure your driver displays it prominently on their window at least 10 miles from the site so you can be routed correctly. The routing pass has a unique barcode which will be scanned on entry. Only the first scan of the barcode will be valid. As with all tickets, treat the barcode as you would cash.

    14.10. Anyone arriving to the festival site without a return slot booked will be assigned a departure time from those remaining. Each time slot is strictly limited and peak departure slots sell out fast so advance booking is highly advised.


    15.1. All bookings for Camp Skylark accommodation and equipment will be handled by Boomtown Festival UK Ltd as the only authorised agent for these bookings.

    15.2. Payment is to be made in full in advance at the price advertised at www.boomtownfair.co.uk at the time of booking.

    15.3. Only persons with Camp Skylark accommodation may obtain a Camp Skylark Resident  Wristband. Any persons found in the Camp Skylark resident area without accommodation will be asked to leave. 

    15.4. You will only be allowed access to Camp Skylark with a Resident Wristband which must be purchased separately. Resident Wristbands must be purchased by the lead booker who purchased the accommodation.

    15.5. Festival Entry tickets must be booked separately.

    15.6. It is your responsibility to check that the accommodation and equipment provided corresponds to your booking and to notify a member of the Camp Skylark staff if anything is missing / faulty / incorrect at the time of check in. 

    15.7. Once you have checked into your accommodation, the rental of your Camp Skylark accommodation begins and the Camp Skylark accommodation and equipment will be your sole responsibility. 

    15.8. You must not use cooking or other gas appliances of any kind inside your accommodation. You must not use naked flames.

    15.9. You must vacate your accommodation by 11am on Monday 14th August 2023. Failure to check out by this time may result in the loss of your deposit.

    15.10. You must follow the Camp Skylark check out procedure when departing.  A member of staff will check your accommodation and any damaged or missing items will be identified. For damage, theft, breakage and serious misuse of equipment, you agree to pay, in full, all replacement or repair costs as set by Boomtown.

    15.11. Neither Camp Skylark or the event will accept any liability for personal or property damages, losses or injuries sustained during your use of the accommodation - other than caused as a result of our negligence.

    15.12. Camp Skylark bookings are non-refundable except where in line with clause 2.1.


    16.1. Phone Charging can be purchased through the Boomtown Website, Kaboodle or direct with Charge Candy

    16.2. Lockers must be purchased via the Boomtown official ticketing platform Kaboodle. 

    16.3. Payment is to be made in full in advance at the price advertised at www.boomtownfair.co.uk at the time of booking.

    16.4. Festival Entry tickets must be booked separately.

    16.5. You must not use cooking or other gas appliances of any kind inside your camping structures in Tangerine Fields or Camplight. Naked flames are strictly prohibited.

    16.6. You must vacate your accommodation by 11am on Monday 14th August 2023.

    16.7. Neither Tangerine Fields, Camplight or Boomtown will accept any liability for personal or property damages, losses or injuries sustained during use of these services - other than caused as a result of our negligence. 

    16.8. To access Camp Orchid you must have purchased a Camp Orchid Wristband in advance from Boomtown Ticket Platform. You must also purchase a festival entry ticket.

    16.9. All tickets are non-refundable except where in line with clause 2.1.


    17.1. Lost and Found property is being managed on site at the Information points and campsite hubs. Please report all lost items here as soon as you can and check here before leaving site to be reunited with your property if found during the event. All found property should be handed in at these Information Points too.

    17.2. After leaving the site a Lost Items form will be posted on the Boomtown website to register any lost items. If these have been found you will be contacted to arrange payment for postage to be reunited with your items, with costs starting at £10 per item to cover postage, packaging and recorded delivery.

    17.3. Any found items will be kept by Boomtown’s Lost Property contractor for 2 weeks after the festival.  After this point, all items will be donated to charity or disposed of safely/securely. All reasonable efforts will be made to reunite the lost item with its owner before this takes place.

    18. ECO BOND

    18.1. ​A £20 Eco Bond is added to each entry ticket. This is your bond to the environment and to help reduce the amount of campsite waste that gets sent to landfill. 

    18.2. The Eco Bond is fully refunded on-site; in exchange for bringing one full bag of mixed dry waste and sorting it at the Eco Bond hub. 

    18.2. Eco Bond Hub locations and opening - closing times will be printed in the Essential Guide.


    19.1. By entering the festival site you agree to grant the Festival permission to use your image in any publicity, marketing or promotional materials.

    19.2. Filming and Photography is allowed throughout the public site for personal use, we ask that you do it respectfully and to observe data protection law. Photography and filming for commercial purposes can only be undertaken with the prior written approval from Boomtown Festival and you must not sell any photography or moving images from the Festival for commercial or other gain.

    19.3. Anyone using cameras or filming equipment (including all mobile devices) is expected to be courteous to their fellow festival attendees and ask permission before taking any up close shots.

    19.4. Please do not hold up your phones / tablets etc. for the entirety of a set, this is pretty annoying for the people behind you and we guarantee you will enjoy it so much more through your own eyes rather than a tiny little screen! And DO NOT bring selfie sticks.

    19.5. Strictly no filming or photography is allowed in the family areas unless issued with a specific media pass, or they are your own children. Across the rest of the public site, permission from a parent or guardian needs to be granted before photographing any children.

    19.6. If you are found to be using films / photos to make a profit onsite, your equipment may be confiscated and you run the risk of being ejected from the festival immediately.

    19.7. Photographs or moving images taken at Boomtown cannot be included in any sponsored programme or in any form of advertising without specific approval.

    19.8. Photography is restricted or prohibited in certain areas: family and children’s areas, welfare and medical areas, the main entry gates, security and police compounds and all backstage areas.

    19.9. Unauthorised filming or recording in any of the artist performance areas is strictly prohibited without prior consent. We may agree to specific broadcast or filming requests where the content and the end usage is pre-agreed. Each request will be looked at on a case by case basis by the press team.

    19.10. No broadcaster or filming company may record any performances without Boomtown’s and the artists and record label’s prior permission.

    19.11. The unauthorised use of drones is strictly prohibited. No broadcaster or filming company may use film with drones. This is not allowed on site before, during or after the Festival.


    20.1. For competitions run by Boomtown, to qualify for the draw, each entrant must follow the instructions on the specific competition.

    20.2. All entrants MUST be 18 years or over.

    20.3. Each person is only entitled to one entry.

    20.4. The competition closing date is final, and no further entries after this date and time will be counted.

    20.5. The winner will be contacted by a member of Boomtown staff within 28 days of the competition closing.

    20.6. The winning prize is not refundable, non-exchangeable and non-transferable.

    20.7. The winner must claim the prize within 7 days and provide us with their full name, email address and postal address.

    20.8. The winner will be picked by a member of Boomtown staff, the judges decision is final.

    20.9. Boomtown reserves the right to cancel this campaign and draw without prior notice.

    20.10. Boomtown staff and relations are not eligible to win competitions run by Boomtown.

    20.11. Any competition that runs in any other media is subject to the terms and conditions provided or to which you are referred to at the time of entering the competition.

    20.12. Tickets provided as prizes in competitions (whether by Boomtown directly or by a partner) are for use on the year stated and may not be transferred to a subsequent year unless in case of festival cancellation, in which case they will be rolled on to the following year.

    If you have any queries on any of the above terms and conditions please get in touch with us directly via: info@boomtownfair.co.uk.

    Information about how we use your personal data can be found in our Privacy Policy here.