Band applications for Chapter Two: The Twin Trail are now OPEN!

Band applications for Chapter Two: The Twin Trail are now OPEN!

Applications for live performers to play at Boomtown are now open.

Boomtown proudly represents music from around the globe and champions some of the most cutting edge underground music. Citizens have witnessed performances from some of the worlds best in Folk, Reggae, Drum and Bass, Jungle, Hip-hop and much more. 

From De La Soul to The Streets, Kool and the gang to Lauryn Hill the city's street parties, hidden venues, forest dancefloors and sunny outdoor spaces have seen some of the best live performers the world has to offer.

We're looking for innovative, diverse and talented live musicians covering all genres dear to Boomtown's heart.

We especially encourage artists to submit live footage to enhance their applications.

Applications close on 15th December 2022, any applications received after this date will not be considered.

Submit your applications here

*This invitation is for live acts only and not open to DJs.*

*Although we listen to all the music submitted we don’t have stage space for all the artists who apply. Please bear that in mind if you aren’t successful.*

Boomtown News