Important Update

Important Update

Friends, we’ve continued to experience extreme heat and dry land. After consultation with the fire service today we have no option but to put a ban on open fires including stoves during the festival. We didn’t take this decision lightly and explored all possibilities available to us but our first priority is the safety of our community.

With the extreme hot weather scheduled to continue over the coming weeks, we all need to be extremely vigilant. The ground is tinder dry and alongside our concerns about cooking fires, we are particularly wanting to point out the danger of stray cigarettes. Please take extra care to extinguish cigarettes.  Please do not smoke in the car parks when arriving and leaving and do not flick cigarettes out of the car window. We also ask that you do not keep your car running when stationary as this is a fire risk. 

We understand that stoves are often used to heat water for food and drinks. While there is still a week to make alternative arrangements for food before the event, we’ve taken the steps to provide free hot water urns in camping hubs for free.

We have also had to make the decision to reduce the number of fire performers present and community fire pits in the campsite areas. We will be running pyrotechnics as usual on our main stages as these are in controlled environments and closely monitored by the fire service. All of this has been very well thought through, and will not impact the overall performance and vibe across the city. 

If you see a fire start while at the festival we would actively encourage you to report this to a member of staff immediately. 


We are asking anyone to avoid using naked flames at all costs; this means stoves. We have had lengthy discussions internally, if gas is fitted into your campervan please make sure these comply with applicable gas and fire safety regulations. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions and Essential Guide.

(Updated: 5 August 2022).

Boomtown News