Festival Packing and Camping Essentials

Festival Packing and Camping Essentials

Friends, we're living through an unprecedented heatwave. As temperatures rise we are reminded of the importance of respecting the planet, ourselves and each other.

We thought today would be a good time to remind you of the tips that all you expert festival goers gave us about packing for Chapter One with respect for ourselves in mind. Our full packing list can be found here.

  1. It’s never too early to start packing.
  2. Wet wipe showers! Even better if they are eco wet wipes.
  3. Suncream, waterproofs and drink lots of water.
  4. Cheese strings for snacks!
  5. Earplugs… sleep is essential.
  6. Hydration tablets.
  7. Foil blanket to keep that sun off.
  8. If you can leave it at home, leave it at home.
  9. Whats3Words your tent.
  10. Take bin liners to keep the camp tidy and your clothes dry.
  11. Make sure you eat a decent meal and drink plenty of water everyday.
  12. Stick together in pairs and arrange meeting points ahead of time.
  13. Bring lots of socks, nobody wants wet feet.
  14. Plasters and first aid supplies just in case.
  15. Toilet roll is your friend.
  16. Be kind and welcoming to each other.
  17. Portable chargers.
  18. Don’t go too hard on the first night.
  19. Blister plasters!
  20. Know your limits and know when to ask for help.

This is by no means a definitive list, make sure you pack for every eventuality. If you are ever in trouble or need some support be sure to reach out to our onsite teams.

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