Street Venues Launch!

Boomtown’s street venues bring vibrancy to the city. Each venue has their own sense of individuality, personality and unique vibe. Visit the street venues to make new friends, reconnect with old ones, or lose yourself completely.

Immersive and theatrical, the street venues are arbiters for the story that drives Boomtown year on year. Visiting each venue you’ll begin to build a picture of what Boomtown’s districts are all about. There has never been a more important year to invest yourself in the story than Chapter One, where it all begins again.

Whether you’re in Area 404 raving with the radical squatters to the filthiest beats, or rising from the hyper fertile soils of Botanica, dancing in the city's newest, most idyllic and mysterious district. Perhaps you’re returning to ye olde stomping ground in Oldtown (be wary of the pirates!), or maybe you’re drawn to the vivid techtopia that is Metropolis. Jump aboard the swing, soul and folk train to Copper County as residents reimagine the past to construct a new future. Use the giant Beacon at the heart of Grand Central to help you find your way, stopping off at the Twisted Time Machine whilst you’re passing through. Don’t forget to find yourself a job in the hustle and bustle of Letsbe Avenue, but don’t work yourself to death!

The street venues are the beating heart of each district, so make sure you interact with the city's characters to immerse yourself fully in the story. There’s something for everyone in this thriving city, find your favourite spot in town. Get lost in the venues, broaden your horizons, you never know what you’ll learn about yourself.

Boomtown News