LGBTQ+ Venues at Chapter One!

This year, the city’s streets will be booming with queer friendly spaces.

Making a steamy debut in our new district Botanica is the new street venue Obsidian. A collaboration by female and non-binary icons: Booty Bass playing music from around the globe, set to make you sweat and dance, alongside Shade Cartel, the melanin masterpiece sassing up the space.

In Area 404, Itchy Bitch will be reigniting the flame that is the raunchy Red Rash Inn. Bringing your the freshest cabaret and disco beats ALL NIGHT LONG. Metropolis’ Fashion Haus celebrates individual expression alongside Trash Club, the city's home of fabulous upcycling. Sashay into Stiletto Disco, Shambarber’s seething den of dark corners, glittering disco balls and flesh!

Oldtown's camp collective, Copper Feel Cabaret moved to its new home from Paradise Heights. SEE Rebellion SEE danger SEE filth all wrapped up in a fabulous blanket of rowdy drag and nude ladies.

Boomtown News