Green Week!

Welcome Citizens of Boomtown! We’re super excited as the time draws closer for the city gates to open!
As we approach the 10th of August, we are equally excited to begin talking about our green initiatives for this year's event in an effort to help protect our city, its citizens and the planet beyond.

In the run up to Earth Day we wanted to introduce you to some of our green initiatives for Chapter One and beyond...

Welcome to Green Week. #RespectYourPlanet is one of our six pillars and at the heart of everything we do.

We signed a pledge back in 2019 to be a Circular Festival by 2025 making it our main sustainability goal.

You might be asking, what does it mean to be a Circular Festival?

Circularity is when once you’ve finished using something, that item ends up back into the supply chain instead of ending up in landfill.

We are aiming to focus on six main aspects that will be integral planning and building of our amazing city. These will cover: Energy, Resources, Food, Travel and Transport, Water, and Biodiversity.

Stay tuned with our social media accounts for more Boomtown sustainability news in the coming weeks. In the meantime, you can head over to our Green Mission page to find out more about our long-term sustainability plans.

Check out more information about this amazing initiative over on Circular Festival's website.

Boomtown News