Costume Theme Announcement

Chapter One’s official dress up theme is CELEBRATION! 

You’re invited to a post-pandemic paradise, a pure carnival of delights and a haven of self-expression where you have the space to transform into your best celebratory self.

Choose your character, and think MAXIMALISM, colour and carnivals! Unleash your inner party animal and dust off your most EXTRA attire… we want to see you dressed up to get down!

This year, for the FIRST TIME EVER, Saturday will be our dedicated dress-up day where everyone will come together to dress to impress.

As ever at Boomtown, you’re encouraged to express yourself through costume whenever and however you feel comfortable across the weekend. 

We will be giving you heaps more inspiration about how to do this in the most creative and sustainable way possible. For now, get your thinking caps on, upcycle that wardrobe and we can’t wait to see what you all come up with!

Boomtown News