Copper County

Copper County

In the calamitous streets of Copper County, the residents are charged with passion and ingenuity as they construct a new future for themselves.  

Following what might be the biggest scientific breakthrough in the last century and a long struggle for reform from their old ways, the locals are almost ready to pull the veil off of the old train yard, revealing what they have been developing for over a decade…

Re-imagining the past and re-writing the future, the brand new most incredible stage in Copper County’s history awaits all those who wish to marvel in its glory!! The Engine House is about to be born!

The inspirationally fun and fabulous bunch in Copper County are in the midst of more than one revolution.  From swing to soul and folk to funk, alongside the latest sounds of African fusion music, the dawn of a musical revolution has hit the town.  As they dance by night, their destinies unfold and as they work by day a new future becomes ever more possible…

The true power of electricity is here!

Boomtown News