Standard Tickets Sold Out!

Standard Tickets Sold Out!

We’re blown away to announce that standard tickets have COMPLETELY SOLD OUT; leaving only Public Transport Saver tickets left!⁠

You've got TWO DAYS to snag yourself one of these before they go up to Phase 3 in line with the change in VAT! 👀⁠

You can secure one for just a £47.50 deposit now 🔐⁠

Boomtown Tickets

Public Transport Saver Tickets Explained 

Public Transport Saver tickets give you a discount on the standard price tickets but must be purchased in conjunction with a coach or shuttle pass.. and you'll need to arrive at the festival by that mode of transport or your ticket will be invalid!⁠

It's a great thing to do to both lessen your impact on the environment and ease the journey home. As well as the discount and a reason to feel good about yourself; Public Transport Saver tickets also include Wednesday Entry absolutely free! All you have to do is choose a transport option that arrives on Wednesday. ⁠

Boomtown News