Boom Village is no longer going ahead... 💔🌱

Boom Village is no longer going ahead... 💔🌱

We are truly sorry to have to say this again, but we have had to make the incredibly hard decision to cancel Boom Village. 

These past few days we have been back in the excruciating position of weighing up every possible scenario to see how we might be able to proceed. There is so much excitement out there for us to come together and host this beautiful festival but sadly the risks of holding the event now outweigh all the wonderful reasons for going ahead.

The core decision is due to the escalating cases of COVID-19 across the country, and the risks that widespread illness and self-isolation could have on our crew and contractors, which would result in us not having enough people to build and deliver the show to the high public safety standards we uphold.

When we first came up with the concept of Boom Village we were so excited by the idea of a smaller show where we could trial new sustainable ideas. This was incredibly energising and we leapt into the project of bringing our much-loved festival community back together in a whole new way; with an intimate, locally focused and family-friendly event that put its ethos front and centre.

We had devised a concept that could have worked in the current climate, despite all the existing issues such as a lack of insurance etc... We were navigating our way through those obstacles, but with the timelines being pushed back, the changes we’ve seen to policy and the national escalation in cases, the odds now feel stacked against us and we are no longer in a position to be able to proceed.

We appreciate that this decision may be confusing in light of the latest Government announcement relaxing most of the COVID legislation from Monday 19th July. In that announcement it was also stated that the responsibility and ‘common sense’ now lies with the individual or organisation; that is a responsibility we take very seriously. The circumstances we’ve outlined above severely affect our ability to deliver a show where we could guarantee high levels of safety for all in attendance, as there are so many factors outside of our control. 

Whilst cancellation may not be the case for all festivals and we truly hope that many will still be able to continue this summer, as a fully independent festival with a small but highly skilled team and a close-knit extended crew, the rise in cases and isolation pose a real threat that we simply cannot ignore. Unfortunately, we have to accept this and make the best decision for all involved and in attendance, as well as the future of the festival. 

We are truly devastated to not be able to bring Boom Village to you this summer, but now that we’ve dreamed this amazing concept into reality, we hope it will return for you all at some point in the future when the time is right.

All ticket holders have been contacted directly via email about their automatic refunds - get in touch with if you haven't had yours.

After much excitement and support from so many, and a huge amount of work from the team, it’s heartbreaking to deliver this message, again.  But we are truly grateful for all who have supported us throughout these past 18 months of uncertainty.  We will refocus back onto Boomtown 2022 and work towards what will be the most epic celebration next August. 

Thank you as always for being on this journey with us, we really couldn’t do this without you.

Big love, 
Boomtown HQ. 


Boom Village Cancellation FAQ's

How can I get a Boom Village refund?

You don’t have to do anything! All refunds will be processed automatically. You will be refunded in full for everything you purchased minus any refund protection you purchased and booking fees. 

When will the refunds be processed?

All refunds will be processed within the next week and you should receive it by the 21st July 2021. 

Why will booking fees not be included in the refund? 

You pay a booking fee to the ticketing agent (Kaboodle) for the services required to process your booking, including bank processing fees, VAT, hosting and maintaining the ticketing website, providing a call centre and staff to deal with queries. In the event of cancellation, they're still on hand to help and incur additional costs processing refunds (both bank and admin costs).

Although frustrating for all involved, this is why when events are cancelled or postponed, agents are entitled to keep the booking fees, as the service has still been provided. 

Why will I not be refunded for the ticket protection I purchased?

Refund Protection is run through a third party and through Boomtown or Boom Village. As per the terms & conditions you agreed to when booking is non-refundable. For more information please contact Kaboodle

I have an instalment ticket. What will happen with my ticket? 

All future instalments have been stopped and no more instalments will be taken from your account. Your ticket will be automatically refunded within the 7-10 days

Can I come to Boomtown 2022 instead? 

To keep things simple we are refunding all ticket holders their full ticket price (minus booking fee). 

But if you would like to come to Boomtown 2022 then we have created a unique discount code for each Boom Village ticket holder. You will have received this in the newsletter directly from us about the cancellation of the event (sent on 14th July 2021) 

If you have yet to receive this please contact us on and we will look into this for you.

I already have a Boomtown 2022 ticket. Can I get this £10 discount? 

Please contact us on and we can discuss this further. 

I’ve paid a deposit to volunteer at Boom Village, what do I do now? 

We will automatically refund any deposits that have been paid towards a volunteer application. This will be a refund of the full fee minus any admin fees. 

If you have any further questions please get in touch with our volunteer team on 

Why did you sell tickets if you didn’t know 100% that you were able to go ahead? 

Whenever putting on an event, especially one in a field, you can never be 100% that they will go ahead. However, in this current climate, there are even more uncertainties. However, with Boom Village, we felt we had devised a concept that could have worked in the current climate, despite all the existing issues, such as no insurance and unknowns over the kinds of safeguarding measures we’d have to implement. However, with the timelines being pushed back, and the changes in policy and the escalation in the national situation recently, the odds now feel stacked against us and we are no longer in a position to be able to proceed. 

Why can all the other festivals go ahead and you can’t? 

The UK festival landscape is very varied, and there are loads of different types of festivals out here with different company structures, financial backing and complexity. As a fully independent festival some of the decisions that the larger multi-national event companies can make are too big a gamble for us to be able to take without severely jeopardising the stability of the company and the future of Boomtown.

Whilst cancellation may not be the case for all festivals, and we truly hope that many will still be able to continue this summer, as a fully independent festival with a small but highly skilled team and a close-knit extended crew, the rise in cases and isolation pose a real threat that we simply cannot ignore.

Boomtown News