Boomtown Ethos: CELEBRATION

“Celebration: In a world that can so often feel overloaded with negativity, we want to celebrate the very best this beautiful planet and all humanity can achieve, in one almighty party where everyone’s welcome!”

This week's pillar is 'celebration'. The 1st December usually kickstarts a month of celebration for many… and this year many of us will experience a very different December to what we're used to! ❤️

But even with parties still banned, and the zoom calls still our main lifeline to ‘normality’, there are still many things to celebrate! Let’s turn our attention to celebrating the little things, no matter how small, that brings us that little bit of joy! A new favourite well-placed GIF, a message from a friend you've not heard from in ages, or even receiving post for the first time in years - we're appreciating the small things this month 🎉

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