Boomtown Ethos: CONNECTION

“Connection: In a world where digital connection so often replaces physical connection, we cherish the depth of togetherness that comes from the gatherings of humans.”

Over the next six weeks we will be fully exploring the 6 Pillars of the Boomtown Ethos, delving into what they mean to us: how we’ll strive to live by these pillars throughout the year, as well as at the festival, and the part we all have to play to build a community where a better world is possible. 💫

This week we’re looking at ‘Connection’ - how we maintain a connection with our loved ones in an isolated world, what does true connection mean and what does it mean to not be able to physically connect with so many right now… 🖐❤️

Tell us about your favourite tales of lockdown connection, what you miss from ‘normal’ life, or just reach out to us if you feel you’ve lost some vital connections over these past few months, we are one big community and are here for each other. 🌞

Let's see if we can make some solid and lasting connections right now! It’s good to talk. ❤️

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