1st October: Boomtown 2021 Tickets & Vision is released!

1st October: Boomtown 2021 Tickets & Vision is released!

What a strange summer that one was!? Flights were grounded and staycations soared, local parks replaced the pubs, doorsteps became our stage of appreciation and connection, masks and perspex shields became the new normal and the entire world’s festivals flipped from fields to living rooms as we all went virtual!  Not even our storyline writers predicted quite those levels of weirdness!

But through the madness of the era we’ve found ourselves in, we have discovered some space to really look at what Boomtown is.  To understand where we want to take the festival as the world moves into a post-pandemic society, and reimagine what our future can be.

Get ready, as our new world officially emerges on...

1st October 2020

2021 Ticket Release & Upcoming Announcements: 

With so many amazing people rolling over their tickets from 2020 to 2021, when we launch the 2021 tickets there will be under half of the number of tickets we’d normally have available, so we urge those of you who want to join us next year to get in there quickly! 

Our upcoming announcements dates are:

 • Thursday 24th September: New prices and details for all 2021 tickets
 • Thursday 1st October @1pm: The vision for 2021 is released across all our channels.
 • Thursday 1st October @ 7pm: Remaining tickets for 2021 unleashed to the world!!

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