The Lost Chapter: Boomtown Community Video

Dear friends, welcome to Boomtown 2020: The Lost Chapter...
At this very moment, the city gates would have been swung wide open and we would be welcoming home 1000’s of you from all across the world as you meet up with friends old and new, set up your camp for the next 5 days and prepare for an unforgettable new chapter.
But, sadly, this year had other plans and this was not to be, but we will still find our connection as one huge community as we unite in living rooms, gardens and bedrooms across the land... 🎉
To kick start proceedings we wanted to send out a direct message to everyone who would be with us in the fields, forming our huge, varied and beautiful Boomtown Community, with the help of some of you incredible people who sent us in your messages of love and support to make this video so special. ❤️
Thank you all for being on this journey with us, we look forward to spending the next few days, reminiscing, celebrating, dancing, playing, laughing and discovering with you all.
Huge love,
🎶 Tamal - Children's Song
Ed Solo ft. Black Out Ja - Let The Music Play

Boomtown News