Boomtown Update 2020 ❤️

Boomtown Update 2020 ❤️

Dear Boomtown family and friends,

We hope everyone is doing as well as humanly possible right now, sending so much love and solidarity to everyone, wherever in the world you may be.

We are deeply saddened to make the announcement that we are no longer proceeding with Boomtown 2020, and the next chapter will take place on 11-15th August 2021. 

Over the past few months we have been keeping a close eye on expert advice from across the globe, as well as taking into consideration the timelines involved for safely planning and delivering the event.  In addition, we’ve recently held close consultation with local agencies, and emergency services, to further understand the knock on effect of the current pressures on these vital services.  This has led us to the decision that Boomtown 2020 will no longer go ahead. 

We know that all those who attend Boomtown, whether working, performing or exploring, will be equally devastated by this, and for this we are truly sorry, but we hope everyone will understand that this decision was made with the safety of everyone at the forefront of our minds.

Tickets for 2021 & Refund Options:

Boomtown has always been a truly independent festival curated by uniquely independent crews and artists from the grassroots of the European festival scene. Therefore the best chance for us to continue to stay true to our ethos, and for our future to be safeguarded, is for all current ticket holders to roll their tickets over to the 2021 event. 

Breakdown of options:

* For those who need to register for a refund, TickeT Sellers are currently adapting their system to allow greater flexibility into the refund options. This includes; partial refunds for those who have bought multiple tickets and refunds of add ons whilst retaining your ticket. This process will take a couple of weeks to be complete. As soon as it is ready, the TicketSellers will send out an email for all account holders to follow the various options.  All emails will be sent out by the end of May, so there is no need to contact us before then.

**Please note: The more people who are able to wait to receive the refund until September 2020 to support the festival, the better position we will be in to roll out 2021… However, if you are facing severe financial difficulties right now, then please do contact us directly via and we will always find a way to help. 

What’s next?

For the past 12 years we have worked non-stop on growing and nurturing what has become one of the most spectacular festivals in the world. Throughout this time there has only been a very small window of opportunity to reflect, adapt, change and develop. We will be using this gifted time to its absolute fullest, to ensure our beloved city has a far more positive future than ever before.  Many of us will also be joining our colleagues from across the events industry in repurposing our skills to help the massive national effort in our collective fight against COVID-19. 

Our collective light is far from being extinguished… Boomtown is more than a five-day festival. We are a community. From the hundreds of craftspersons, creators, artists, thinkers, spiritual practitioners, set painters, story writers, office managers, actors, stewards and crew, to the Boomtown Chat-ers, the Storyline Questers, the hard core ravers, the folk singers, the late night drummers and all and everyone in between! We all have our parts to play in creating the energy that flows into this fantastical city. Our collective creativity will find its outlet in the virtual world throughout these times and we will grow stronger. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter to keep in touch. 

Please stay safe, be kind to yourselves, take this time to look after you and your loved ones, stand with your neighbours in awe and solidarity of the NHS and all key and essential workers, savour this chance to reconnect, whatever form that may take. These are very hard times, but the lights of humanity are shining brightly, and for that we must all be so proud.

Biggest love,



Will Boomtown be planning on doing anything virtual over the weekend that we can get involved with? 

We’ve certainly got a few plans in the pipeline, but not solid enough to shout about as yet… watch this space, we’ll let you know! But also, pop on over to our AREA 404 channels where we’ll be getting some more regular live streaming events over the next few months. 

When is Boomtown 2021 going to be?

The next instalment of the festival will take place on the 11th-15th August 2021.

Why does it take a bit longer to receive the refund options email from TicketSellers? 

Due to the complex nature of our Boomtown tickets, TicketSellers are developing a more streamlined process for those wishing to register for refunds to give added flexibility, i.e. people can cancel certain tickets from their order, but not all of it if they so choose. To build and test this will take a couple of weeks - thank you for your patience! 

Can I get a refund on my added extras (Camp Orchid, Camp Skylark, Accommodation, Phone Charging, Bike Ride etc.)?

Yes! When the system is open you will be able to choose any of the individual items you have purchased to refund. 

I was going to be volunteering! What happens to my deposit? 

If you’re volunteering you will have received an email from our volunteer team. As with entry tickets you can choose to roll your volunteering place on to next year or you can request a refund, all details are in the email. 

Boomtown News