Access All Areas at Boomtown!

Respect, Inclusivity, and Accessibility is at the forefront of what we set out to achieve. We truly want Boomtown to be a place that everyone feels welcome, and will continue to strive to remove barriers for inclusion.

This lovely mini doc speaks to some of our Deaf and disabled citizens, artists and crews who help make it all possible.

With huge thanks to @OT films, Henry Meredith & Charlotte Capener for creating this video as well as all the contributors including Deaf Rave, Deaf Events and GAMA. 

Boomtown Accessibility News

As ever, we’ve been very busy in HQ getting plans together for Chapter 12, here’s a little bit of what’s been going on in the Access department.

BSL requests - The awesome team of BSL interpreters from Deaf Events UK will be joining us again this year to provide BSL interpretation at some of our main stage performances. See them in action at last year’s fair here. You can request BSL interpretation for your favourite headliner at CH.12 here: BSL Requests Ch.12

Achieving a Bronze Award - In 2017 we signed up to the Charter of Best Practice with Attitude is Everything, to assess our approach to accessibility and ensure the needs of our Deaf and disabled audience were being met. We were very proud to announce that we achieved the Charter’s Bronze Award following CH11 festival - huge thank you to AIE for their guidance and support!

Disability Awareness Training - 12 attendees took part, with a representative from each department at Boomtown HQ. The aim was to increase awareness of our responsibility to Deaf and disabled festival-goers and to identify ways in which each department could improve accessibility for public, staff and performing artists. 

Crew & Artists focus group held at Boomtown HQ - Opening a discussion on the current barriers that disabled crew and artists face when working at the festival and how we can eliminate them. For CH.12 we’ll be using this valuable feedback to assess how we can better facilitate working at the festival. This is part of our commitment to improving equality and inclusivity within the festival and company.

For up to date information about the access facilities available at the festival and how to sign up to them, please head over to our Accessibility info page!

Boomtown News