Help us plant 1 Million trees with TreeSisters

In 2019 we planted 71,725 trees together around the world from Madagascar to Nepal… contributing to one of the most powerful solutions for climate change!

This year we’re aiming high and we’re hoping to plant 1 MILLION trees 

Find out more about how you can get involved here.

If everyone in our amazing Boomtown community, including; citizens, artists, crew and contractors were to pull together, we're pretty sure that together we can make a real, positive and significant change. 

'It's time for everyone to become climate leaders and climate solutions. We have no more time for apathy or denial, it's all hands on deck now for our planet and our children's future. TreeSisters are thrilled to watch Boomtown pick up the climate gauntlet and take leadership on the global stage. Thank you Boomtown for recognizing that your audience is an ecosystem of ecological impact just waiting to happen, and inviting them to accomplish a shared goal together. One million trees! Bring it on!!!” Clare Dubois - TreeSisters

Each tree costs 40p to plant… If every person donated just £6 which equated to 15 trees we would be well on our way to the 1 million tree target!

Massive thank you to those who have already donated via our £2 ticket donation at the point of ticket purchase already, for just £4 more you can take a massive step in helping us all reach this highly achievable goal!

Boomtown News