Chapter 12 Band Applications Now Live!

Chapter 12 Band Applications Now Live!

The door is now open to bag yourself a spot at Boomtown 2020!! We're on the lookout to uncover brand new talent and showcase as many of our super skilled citizens as we possibly can, so get your applications in ASAP... 

Each year we get hundreds of thousands of band applications firing in across all platforms, so to streamline this and ensure we are providing the best platform for all you hidden gems out there, we've created this short, but concise application process:

  • Create and upload a short video - no longer than 2 minutes - which includes an introduction to your band, who you are, your general vibes and footage of you performing live.
  • Please only send in as an unlisted Youtube video.

Then send it in via this form.

Please note - we don't take applications to DJ on main stages, this process is ONLY for live bands / artists.

Boomtown News