Delivery of The Loop’s Multi-Agency Safety Testing (MAST) Service at Boomtown 2019

Delivery of The Loop’s Multi-Agency Safety Testing (MAST) Service at Boomtown 2019

As many are aware for the past 2 years we have been working alongside The Loop to provide front of house drugs safety service, we are deeply saddened to announce that they are no longer able to provide the drugs safety testing service at the festival this year. 

We were informed towards the end of last week, the provision of this service at this year’s festival may no longer be possible. Since then, we have been working around the clock with all the key stakeholders to try to find a resolution, however, despite all of our efforts, the ongoing legal complexities has meant that The Loop are unable to provide the front of house drug safety testing element of their valuable and respected services at this year's event.

We will continue to provide our robust and extensive medical and welfare support onsite and The Loop will still be in attendance providing expert one-on-one counselling, drug awareness and safety advice for free at this year's festival. We will also work with our back-of-house drug testing service provider, TICTAC, to identify harmful substances circulating at the festival and keep those in attendance informed with as much factual information as possible throughout the weekend via our social channels, festival app and on the ground.

Please remember drugs are illegal and can, and do kill. 

No drug is 'safe'. 

Respect yourself. Respect each other.  

Please head to our drugs safety pages for further harm reduction advice and drugs safety information.


Q: Why are The Loop unable to provide the drug safety testing service at Boomtown this year?

A: The provision of front of house drug testing requires a complex array of measures to be in place.  Unfortunately, the time (and options) ran out for The Loop to provide their service at Boomtown this year.

Q. Is this just a Boomtown issue?

A: This isn’t just a Boomtown issue.  The Loop have been providing their back-of-house service at a number of events and issuing warnings and education, but not conducting any front of house testing serivce in the UK thoughout 2019.  The back-of-house service at Boomtown is provided by our  established, separate back of house testing service provider, TICTAC, who will be running that side of the operation.

The Loop will be operational as a welfare, drug advice and information, and one-on-one counselling service at Boomtown this year.

Q: What does this mean for the future of The Loop front of house drug testing service at festivals?

A: All stakeholders are hopeful that this will just be a temporary set back in the grand scheme of drugs testing services at festivals in the UK.

Q: What are Boomtown’s other Harm Reduction provisions?

A: Boomtown has extensive Harm Reduction and Public Safety measures in place to safeguard all those in attendance. 

This includes: 

x2 Medical Centres

x2 Welfare Centres (Chill Welfare)

Roaming campsite welfare

The Loop - welfare, drug awareness education and intervention 

On call Mental Health response team 

Cocaine Anonymous

We will utilise our back of house drug testing providers, TICTAC, to identify harmful substances circulating at the festival and keep those in attendance informed with as much factual information as possible throughout the weekend via our social channels, festival app, on the various operational screens and information points across the festival.

Q. What would you recommend to people who were planning on using The Loop’s services at the festival?

A. We will be keeping everyone informed as best we can with any substances of concern that are identified via our back of house testing service TICTAC. Please ensure you are following all of our official Boomtown platforms on social media, as well as download the festival app here to receive notifications should we need to issue urgent updates. It’s also worth following The Loop on facebook, instagram or twitter for additional information and advice. 

Q. What services do TICTAC offer:

A:  TICTAC will be offering the following services at Boomtown 2019:

- The inspection, identification and recording of all substances coming into the possession of Boomtown through amnesty boxes, Security searches and found property.

Their findings will be communicated on-site as follows:

- To advise the Crime & Drugs Manager / Crime Reduction Managers of any specific substances tested that in the opinion of TICTAC present a real threat to anyone using them on site. CDMs will circulate this information to Key Boomtown Event management.

In addition to this, Boomtown has agreed that TICTAC will now also offer the following:

- In an emergency situation, at any time, day or night, any harmful substance can be identified onsite.

Boomtown News