Car Parking FAQ's

Car Parking FAQ's

As pre-warned the deadline to pre-buy parking passes online has now passed in order for TheTicketSellers to be able to post them all out.

But don't worry if you haven't already got yours, you will still be able to purchase a car pass on arrival for £40 (cash only).

Car Passes Explained!

Most people will require a Public Car Parking Pass. The Public Car Parking pass is the colour Yellow on Wednesday and Pink thereafter - this is just the colour of the pass! There is no such thing as Yellow or Pink parking!

As you get close (within 3 miles) of the festival, switch off your sat nav and please follow signage for the Public Car Park (a white ‘P’ on a blue background). You will be directed on a route to the best car park depending on the traffic and the direction you're coming from. 

Please note, this will most likely be White or Orange car park. On Wednesday Purple is only open to Springs residents.

If you are arriving on Wednesday you need a Wednesday specific car parking pass. If you already have a standard public car park pass but need to change to Wednesday email who will be able to change this for free. Remember, there is a car share rule on Wednesday - all cars must have 3 or more people in them.

Other Car Passes

Special passes & car parks exist for people staying in the following areas: 

All of these passes are valid from Wednesday onwards and the 3+ car share rule does not apply! 

Camp Skylark, Reserved Camping & Tangerine Fields residents: 

Follow Orange Route (O), orange patches on the signage on the way to site.
✔ If you don’t have a car pass you must tell parking marshalls you have booked to stay in Camp Skylark, Tangerine Fields East or Reserved Camping - print out your accommodation ticket to show to them. They will then direct you through to the correct car park.

Boomtown Springs Residents:

✔ Please follow Purple Route (P) (purple patches on the signage). 
✔ If you don’t have a parking pass yet and you need a purple routing pass - we’ll send those out to eligible customers nearer the time. 

Family & Meadow residents:

✔  Please follow Green Route (G). 
If you don’t have a parking pass yet you’ll need a Green routing pass, we’ll send those out to eligible customers nearer the time. 

If you are staying in any of the above campsites but have mistakenly purchased a standard public car parking pass please email and we'll arrange for this to be swapped for free.

Alternatively, there are still coaches available from all over the country as well as shuttle busses from Winchester Train station that can be purchased for £10 return on the day!

When will my car pass arrive?

Car parking passes are being sent out in late July.  Please make sure you check the address the pass is being delivered to on your TheTicketSellers account here.

Passes should arrive very soon and have to be signed for - this means if no one is home to sign on arrival that you may receive notice from the Post Office asking you to collect your delivery from your local Post Office in person.

Once you have received your pass, please display your parking sticker clearly in your windscreen before you start your journey to site. Make sure it’s not obstructed by the sunstrip and is outside the sweep of your windscreen wipers so it doesn’t obstruct your view of the road. The top or bottom left or right-hand corner of your windscreen or just behind your rearview mirror are usually the best places. Please also make sure the QR code on your sticker can be scanned easily by the car park team.

More FAQ's here...

And find everything else you’ll need to know in the Essential Guide here!

Boomtown News