We are growing a tropical forest together!

We are growing a tropical forest together!


We recently connected with an incredible reforestation and culture change charity called TreeSisters who, for over a decade, have been planting fast-growing tropical trees across Madagascar, India, Kenya, Brazil, Cameroon and Nepal. TreeSisters exists to make it as normal to give back to nature as it currently is to take nature for granted...

We really recognise the urgency there is to support projects like these and are convinced that there really is no more important thing that we could be doing right now. By partnering with such a great charity, with the size and reach Boomtown has, with the passion from all of us behind it, then it will only be an immensely positive outcome...

We are planning to plant one tree for every person who has bought a ticket to the festival; that’s a whopping 48,000 trees!! But we can do so much more. This is just the very beginning and we want to see just how huge a forest we can grow with the incredible Boomtown community - not just to clean up our carbon, but as a gesture of love back to the world that gives us everything that we need to help restore the balance...

More on how to get involved in the tropical forest campaign in the following days...

Biggest love xxx

Boomtown News