Tents are for life, not just festivals!


We know it’s more complicated than people just taking their tents home. The problem extends to retailers marketing tents and single-use items and selling cheap, bad quality tents that won’t even last a weekend.  That’s why we’re working alongside 60+ other UK festivals and the Association of Independent Festivals to ask retailers to change their policies and call on festival-goers to make a change!

How to avoid your tent becoming 'single-use'

Choose a tent option before you come - there are so many solutions to consider now, from bringing your own to renting one when you’re here…

✔  If you’re bringing your own tent then invest in a good one that will last you! Make sure it is double skinned (so it’s waterproof!) Check out the weight of the bag and choose something of a size you’ll be happy to carry!

✔ Consider sharing, has your friend got space in their tent for you? Have you got a good group of festival mates that want to invest in a big tent together?

✔ Don’t go camping or festivals enough to justify the cost? Why not borrow one from a friend or family member for the weekend, or check out some charity shops!

✔ Cut the hassle and choose to book pre-pitched accommodation so that you don’t have to bring or take home a tent at all! We’ve got heaps of pre-pitched options to suit all budgets from salvaged Camplight tents to luxurious Indian Shikars!

✔ Pick up a pop up! We’re running a new scheme where you can pick up a lovely double skinned pop up for £45 once you get to site, pitch it wherever you like and then either keep it or sell it back for a tenner so it can be used again… book here.  

Then once you get here....

✔  Only bring what you really, really, really need. If you pack light it will not only be easier on Monday but you’ll also get through the searches at the gates quicker! Check out our Boomtown packing list for guidance.  

✔ Put your tent up well! Use the guide ropes and all your pegs, make sure it is really sturdy and it will be more likely to withstand weather and damage over the festival.

✔ Learn how to look after your tent and how to fix it if it gets broken! You can watch these videos from our partners Camplight on how to fix a zip or how to fix a pole!

✔ Share resources! Lighten the load and share tents and equipment with your pals - teamwork makes the dream work.

✔ Tidy up as you go along! General rubbish and recycling bags are available at the campsite hubs so grab some as soon as you arrive and keep your campsite clean for a speedy exit on Monday.

✔ Learn how to pack your tent away! Mondays after festivals are hard enough as it is, learn some quick tips to make the pack away quicker before you go.

Are we preaching to the converted?

What we need now is your help as a campaigner…!

Help us to debunk the myth that leaving your tent is a charitable move and spread the word about how they can't be recycled.

Encourage your friends to invest in better tents or think about borrowing one for the festival.

Share our posts on the subject and shout about the AIF #TakeYourTentHome campaign as much as you can!

Make sure to encourage your campmates to pack them up on Monday or even give them a hand…

Stay tuned for news on how you can become a Boomtown Radical Citizen and help us spread the message even further!! x

Boomtown News