Radical sound design for Chapter 11...

Last year was all about investing in infrastructure and operations. This year, along with the environment our big focus is on sound… 

As most of you know, we have strict licensing restrictions on sound which can make it very difficult to provide the experience we’d like to on some of our biggest dance stages after midnight - especially when something as simple as a change in weather can dramatically affect the levels. 

We’ve done loads of work on this over the years and pioneered a heap of techniques that have helped us to stick within the nearly decade old noise levels we are permitted - despite how much we’ve grown! However the levels on our two main outdoor arenas were the trickiest thing to crack.

 So this year we created the first Boomtown Radical Design Group. We gave a team of experts from around the country the brief to think totally out of the box and design two large scale arena sound systems that would really minimise noise from escaping… The team have put together what can only be described as ‘the ultimate sound experience’! It’s an immense amount of careful planning and logistics but if we adopt these new techniques across site it will transform noise levels on all major stages after dark! We can’t wait to share the results… Excited is an understatement. xx

Boomtown News