Forget all you know or all you think you know about what the city will look like for CH 11...

Forget all you know or all you think you know about what the city will look like for CH 11...

Dear Citizens,

We’ve been getting a few messages recently from concerned folk around stages and venues being replaced, it's a concern we hear every year and we thought we should clear a few things up with a short message on this one...

As many will be aware Chapter 11 sees the dawning of a new era where a new story and adventure is about to be written!! The end of Chapter 10 wrapped up our ten year story of Nicholas Boom and the Boom chronicles which means that Chapter 11 will spin off into a whole new world with new stories to unfold and experiences to be had…

This does mean, more so than any year that trying to figure where the streets may lead or what a stage will look like, or if a stage has been replaced or swapped out may cause minor brain ache as none of it is in any way straight forward! Not a single stage or district will remain the same; they are all getting some kind of mega upgrade, evolution or regeneration! We know that the familiar is comfortable and reassuring, but we rarely stand still and things always progress in every direction with us. All the changes are fully considered and made for a reason, whether that’s to improve sound levels, to build on an idea to make it more interesting, or simply because we love building new things and creating totally different experiences…

There are 40 of us here in the office, working all year round, We are all so passionate about what we do and will only ever push the boundaries of this incredible party to better ourselves each year.

We’ve been building new sets here in the main workshops non stop since October and are planning the most insane new theatre and circus shows to bring them to life. We are also in the final stages of pioneering a groundbreaking new site wide sound setup, as well as building two of the most insane dances stages in the world.

We can’t contain the excitement of what is to come and cannot wait to open the city gates in August, welcoming people from across the globe to come together and experience Chapter 11...  It will, in every possible shape and form, be the radical city we all dream of!!!

Thanks for being on this journey with us!! xx

Boomtown News