THANK YOU! Environmental successes in CH10..

THANK YOU! Environmental successes in CH10..

The environment is our number one focus for Chapter 11: A Radical City and we’ve been working hard on creating new policies and initiatives to make 2019 our most positive for the planet yet.

But before we launch our mission for Chapter 11 on Thursday, we’re celebrating some of the successes we collectively achieved last year… 

Boomtown Fair have demonstrated excellent work to lessen the events impact on the environment and communicate with the audience. The team have also pushed boundaries to innovate and find unique solutions, and shown a clear determination to break ground going forwards.

Having this report and measurements of our effects across all areas last year provides a great springboard for improvement this year.

Thank you to every single one of you that contributed… whether it was by leaving no trace and taking home all of your belongings, coming by coach or recycling on site: every small action counts and it takes all of us working together to create positive change!  

Our new strategy is coming on Thursday, keep an eye out for how you can get involved!

Our world, our environment, our future.

Boomtown News