CH10 Immersive Maze After-Film!

CH10 Immersive Maze After-Film!

Are you up for being part of the largest theatrically immersive show in the world??

From the pages of the graphic novel, through to the winding streets, deep into secret venues, all the way up to the second level animation and culminating at Sunday's spectacular finale show...  The 'immersive maze' is a city wide quest that propels its players deep into the rabbit hole whilst firmly making them a key part in the Boomtown narrative.... How far are you prepared to go?

All you are about to see took place at Boomtown Chapter 10 and was brought to life by thousands of intrepid Boomtown citizens, ready to go that extra mile to protect the city and expose some uncomfortable truths to the masses! Be part of the story...

Read more about previous chapters on the story pages here and watch trailers and mazes from previous years below...

Boomtown News