Going in to Chapter 11...

Going in to Chapter 11...

This year is set to be an incredible year.  With a decade of chapters under our belt we have never felt so passionately about the direction in which Boomtown is going in. We have grown from 1,000 people to 60,000 which brings with it a host of really positive but also challenging consequences. With this very much in mind our priority for the future is sustainability and reducing the impact that the festival and the industry as a whole has on the environment.  

Our planet is so precious and we are simply not willing to put on a festival that damages it. We have a responsibility as organisers to reduce our footprint, but also to try to change the public’s perception of the role they play in protecting the world we all share. Our actions as individuals can make a real difference, but we need partnerships, initiatives, and facilities to make this happen both public facing on the ground but also the supporting infrastructure.

And, we are also of course committed to delivering the greatest show on earth.  Chapter 11: A Radical City translated means new stages, new designs, new creations, new shows and theatre, new experiences and extraordinary programming. Plus, whilst chapter 10 saw loads of changes with a focus on infrastructure, the hidden behind the scenes changes that made your experience as slick and easy as possible, we still have more to do.

We know the tickets are expensive but unfortunately this all costs money. We are one of the largest truly independent festival in the UK, and we are beyond proud of that. It’s who we are.  However, it means that we can’t rely on investment from sponsors to help us achieve our goals. This year our capacity remains the same, so we have no way of increasing our revenue and as a result we have had to increase the ticket price to help fund this.  Believe us when we say we have kept them as affordable as possible, we have our tier system still in place and there is a installment scheme available to split the cost across the year.

Boomtown is a unique, incomparable and ever changing experience. It’s a real privilege to be able to put it on and give people the best party ever and in equal measure to be able to raise awareness about sustainability and affect change.  We hope that sharing both the responsibility and cost with you doesn’t put people off coming but instead you can see that it’s actually an investment in our future.

Boomtown HQ xx

For more information on this years' ticket types and prices head to our Ticket Information page.

Boomtown News