

There are so many ways to make your way to the city next summer! Remember, audience travel accounts for about 80% of a festival’s total carbon footprint... as a part of our Green Mission, we’ve set ourselves the challenge of reducing this down by at least 50% over the next three years. But we can’t do this without your help.

Please choose to travel to the festival via a method of public transport, cycling or car sharing. For further information check out our FAQs here.


Grab a Green Transport Citizen ticket and hop on one of our coaches from over 60 locations around the UK. You will be able to add coach tickets when General tickets go on sale in October.



Jump on the train to Winchester Train Station and then hop on our handy shuttle bus straight to Boomtown. Buses will be running every day throughout the duration of the festival from Wednesday until Monday.



If you are planning to drive to Boomtown you will need to book a car parking pass on the ticket page for your vehicle - these are much cheaper when booked in advance! Car parking passes will be available later in the year.

We would strongly recommend car sharing if you’re coming by car - Not only is it less environmentally impactful but also makes the journey cheaper.

Boomtown Fair is held at the Matterley Estate near Winchester, Hampshire. More specific routing information will be released in the 2024 Essential Guide closer to the festival.



Please bear in mind that getting dropped off by a friend or parent at Boomtown is the worst way to get to the festival for the environment, you and the person dropping you off. Unless there are absolutely no other ways for you to get to the festival we would ask for you to not even think about it as an option. 

Taxis are a bit better, if you have no other options, but please bear in mind the shuttle bus is more convenient and probably quicker if coming from and to the train station. 

If you must get a lift or a taxi to the festival, you will be signposted towards the Pick Up & Drop Off point with more details to follow in our 2024 Essential Guide.



You can head over to Boomtown on the open road and make use of our Motorbike park. More details of location and travel directions will be included in the Essential Guide in 2024.



You can book your own private coach or minibus (18+ seats) for you and your friends to come to Boomtown, you need to book a time slot to be dropped off/picked up at our coach park. More information on this will be released later in the year.