The Palace Has Risen

The Palace Has Risen

Comrade Jose had emerged seemingly stronger and more determined than ever, of course, no one knew of her torment and suffering at the hands of the Sheriff, He had convinced her she was vulnerable and that for her own protection she needed to trust only him! She must show her enemies she was strong and show the world Boomtown was more than just a city, it was becoming a nation, her nation!

She set about a series of civic projects to reinforce her position, the most ambitious and glorious of which was the mighty Bang Hai Palace, a towering jewel that shone out over the decrepit barrios and industrial estates of Downtown. Built from the escalating taxes and profits extracted from the population Bang Hai served as much to alienate our glorious leader rather than endear her to the people.

At the climax of the annual fair, disaster struck, just as she was giving her farewell address to the thousands of visitors who had attended, masked rebels took over the lower sections of the building and hacked into media communications with a message of defiance and change, “the old ways are over, a new time is dawning, The Revolution Starts Now!”