The Loopholes of Time

The Loopholes of Time

Defeated and alone! The now ex-Mayor struggled to come to terms with reality, free and transparent elections, what was he thinking? He had lost control, taken his eye off the ball for a moment and…. He needed to think fast, he needed allies but had made few friends in his time at the top, deep down he knew he had only one place to turn, the alien overlords who watched with an all-seeing eye.

He would time travel back to the early days and secure the loyalty of Badass Bane who ruled the Wild West out across the planes, shape-shifting this district into the fabric of the city Bane would agree to make him Sheriff after these accursed elections in return for gold and power. He would then negotiate the use of advanced alien technology from his extraterrestrial masters to control and manipulate first their glorious new leader Comrade Jose and then the citizens themselves.

Before celebrations had even finished that glorious day Comrade Jose was already in the darkest dungeons of the city and our ex-mayor was pinning on his Sheriff’s badge, smiling as he surveyed the scene of jubilation, now he would lead from the shadows, he had tired of public life and tedious civic duties anyway, this was much preferable, Comrade Jose would be a puppet in his hands, as would the rest of the population, as soon as he activated the strange machine that glowed in the corner of his office...