External Forces

External Forces

With the popularity of the Fair came more visitors each year and with them more attention from the distant realm who claimed to govern these lands from afar. The small community that was more or less its own free state became increasingly alarmed as external forces began to attempt to dabble in the affairs of the town, and even worse the Fair itself!

It was around this time that The Kaptin appeared and began to attempt to contain the various unruly anarchic elements of this lawless township, trying in vain to bestow order and structure upon the chaos and colour of Boomtown. For this free town and its debauched Fair were the most dangerous form of anarchy! Peaceful and co-operative!

Nickolas Boom was outraged at this external meddling in the community's affairs and with his old friends, the Pirate Captain and Gypsy King vowed to keep The Kaptin so tied up chasing his tail things could continue to unfold as they always had, in a beautiful, chaotic and freestyle fashion! And so they did, for now!