Chapter Two: The Twin Trail

Chapter Two: The Twin Trail

At The Gathering, the city slowly came back together after the sudden switch off of AMI - the Artificial Machine Intelligence system ruling Boomtown - caused society to collapse. In AMI’s last words she told us that our systems did not work; they hurt us, each other and the planet. Boomtown felt a call to rebuild something better, but every district struggled.

The system may have collapsed, but the prison in the mind remains. Residents will not be able to imagine a better world until they have destroyed the systems mirrored in their own minds, internalised after years of conditioning, coercion and powerful leaders.

How do we imagine something better when systems of control are all we’ve known? We can only be what we can imagine, and whoever controls the story, controls the city. Is our story one of control, fear and isolation, or one of freedom, love and connection? It is time to go deeper, walk the Twin Trail, and conduct a revolution of the mind.