An Alien Presence

An Alien Presence

And so it was, the town became a city, sprawling into the distant hills and savannas, with its expansion and progress came taxes and troubles, growing too fast and cursed by its own popularity said some, not like the old days!! The bigger things become, the more difficult to collectively manage and maintain; divisions appear despite the appearance of prosperity and promises of better days just around the corner!

Some said it was the end of an era, some the dawning of a new age! Some prophesied doom and gloom while others spoke of a time of plenty. Strange days indeed and even stranger nights!

Then one dark night it happened! Strange lights in the sky and rumblings in the mountains until ka-BOOM! It was as if a comet had fallen from the stars, strange sounds echoed around the city and citizens were overcome with visions of euphoria that saw them dancing with child-like enthusiasm in the streets, like everyone was watching, but no-one gave a damn!

It was days later when they were still to be found speaking in tongues and gibbering to themselves, that The Kaptain announced a state of emergency declaring himself Mayor with full executive powers to deal with the incident. Citizens returned to their senses to find an enormous and unusual structure looming over Downtown, installed to monitor contamination said The Mayor, but there was something strange and unearthly about this ominous spider-like machine...