A Radical City

A Radical City

And so the world was changed forever, and yet still hauntingly familiar! The mighty Bang Hai Corporation was toppled in the end by its own Machine that could not be stopped! The long lost forgotten son of the City returned to expose the truth behind all the wrongs that had been done, many in his own name…. Nicholas Boom! BHI were exposed to have been behind not only the dictatorships of the past but also the Revolution itself! The Masked mandroid just another link in the multifaceted chain that had held the city to ransom for so many years.

Old man Boom returned to a city changed beyond recognition from his own time and now belonging to a new generation, a new world far removed from all he had ever known. With the CEO and his henchmen scurrying into the shadows and the people free once again to decide their own destiny his work here was done, and as mysteriously as he came, so he disappeared once more into the mists of time.

For the citizens of Boomtown, society carried on much as it ever had, infrastructure and economy continued to function… all seemed as usual, even a little smoother than usual if anything! But all now under the ever watchful eye of AMI; Advanced Machine Intelligence. The entity at the heart or perhaps more fittingly the brain centre of the great Machine set in motion by the BHI Corporation who claimed it could never be stopped!

Now omnipresent in all systems, AMI is everywhere. Though life seems to be going on as normal, strange new ecosystems are erupting from the Relic that was formerly the Bang Hai Towers corporate epicentre... The Sector 6 reactor has gone into meltdown creating an exclusion zone in Area 404 that no one has been able to enter... her stark warnings of environmental consequences, however, are beginning to come true as the impacts of years of corporate control and resource exploitation begin to emerge and we find ourselves in a world teetering on the edge of monumental change!

Thought the sands of time run thin, there is still time to diver the inevitable and save the city from this legacy of free-market consumerism, the truth is out there, however difficult to face and the solutions we seek must be found within ourselves as much as the crowded streets and suburban sprawl of the now infamous 12 districts of the city. Who will save us? No one but ourselves! The time is now to become a player in the game of survival and the most urgent and epic chapter in history. We must become the change we seek!